From the pen of one of the most renowned authors of the world, J. K. Rowling, comes the third instalment in the Harry Potter series, 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban’. After the life changing and near death experiences from the first two novels, the protagonist of the novel, Harry with his friends Ron and Hermione, enter their third year in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. New adventures await them in their third year and everything changes when a mass-murderer going by the name of Sirius Black escapes the wizard prison of Azkaban and he is looking for Harry. With all the aspects of the previous novels that were widely loved by audiences worldwide, the third book in the series adds its own charm to the story and carries it forward. The novel has a thrilling narrative with edge of the seat action. One of the bestselling novels in the world, the Harry Potter series has sold over 450 million copies worldwide and translated into over 80 languages.